Monday, 19 January 2009

El tele-Ligón

Tele: Ring, ring... Sho pregunto por Anshi R?

Yo: Sí, digame, es Angie R, en qué puedo ayudarle?

El argentino al final tuvo suerte, Knocked to the right door... Mi 'SM' (señora madre) y yo queríamos hacer sendos cambios de compañía telefónica... Finalmente hubo transacción, con la compra todos ganamos, el tele-ligón comisión y mi 'SM' y yo móviles de última generación. Yo salí más beficiada, ya que el profesional del teléfono no paraba de surtirme de halagos...

Han pasado unos días desde que se fraguó el acuerdo voz-compra, y mientras la logística toca a mi puerta con el paquete, cada tarde a las 17.00 me llama el susoducho, excusándose en dar 'seguimiento personalizado' al pedido...

Tele: tenés una voz tan dulce. Cuántos años me dijiste que tenés?

Yo: Aún no se los he dicho.

Tele: Por favor tutéame. Entonces tenés 29¿?

Yo: unos cuantos menos.

Tele: Sos muy joven. Por cierto ayer te shamé, pero no contestaste.

Yo: Estaba en el gym.

Tele: Madre mía! Bonita voz, y encima te cuidás.Debés tener un cuerpazo, con esos abdominales bien marcaditos. Debí hacer la venta personal. Escucháááme, vos estás casada?

Yo: solterísima

Tele: Seguro que tenés muchos enamorados

Yo: ninguno, por cierto... Mil gracias por tu gestión del pedido, tengo que entrar a una reunión, eres muy simpático. Un saludo.

Tele: te mando un beso grande... Stop... Mañana o pasado te llamo.

Escrito no es divertido, pero después de una larga jornada de trabajo, nada mejor que un tele-ligón regalando cumpliments a doquier.

Este tipo de hombre está hecho para alegrar a las féminas... Ojalá que en un momento de pena o introspección llegue un 'Tele' a tu puerta o teléfono... hahaha... Por eso le di el número de una amiga, así le vende un móvil y ella gana unas risitas...

Tendré unas cuantas llamadas más de 'Tele'. Mientras mis móviles van y vienen, quien no se detiene es el ligón, que cada tarde sigue con el mism o timbrar!
xo xo
Angie R

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

To be or not to be

When this idea was conceived, I had no idea about what to write or even the real aim of my site. One day, while I was chatting with a friend of mine on the internet, a few questions about which was the right path to follow came to mind.

Soon he suggested ‘why not write about yourself?’ I thinking about how to order my thoughts; finally I decided write not only about thoughts, but also my feelings. Lying alone in bed at midnight, a first question came to mind:
How important does each person consider one’s appearance?
Well, let me say how important is for me. I remember during puberty, I considered myself a normal girl, but when I opened my eyes, I got the impression that everyone on the planet is constantly trying to give the best possible impression. We are all living a superficial life, where just being a good looking person it is possible to achieve goals. I remember my first experience with the real working life, I went to an Image Agency, and I heard how someone said ‘It is a pity, she has exotic features, but is too tiny’. That event made me stronger when I was faced with in those selfish and narcissistic people.

What does ‘good looking’ actually mean? Is it really subjective or objective? Is it having the perfect figure size 90-60-90 and lesson shorter than 170 cm?
In my personal opinion, people currently think that the most important thing is to make a statement about the newest cutting edge trend, or ask themselves how they can make themselves look gorgeous and be socially acceptable? Well, dear reader, let me tell you what is the most important motto should be in this society: ‘BE YOURSELF’, without worrying about what other people think of us... I know this sounds mundane, but it’s the only way you can achieve real happiness.

Try to surround yourself with sincere and down-to-earth people, they can help you to stay grounded. Do not worry about others’ opinion of you.
In my case, I am currently living the most mature time in my life and really appreciate being surrounded by real people like my family and friends. My only aim at the moment is to help everyone who needs my help and advice.
I recognise my strengths and opportunities. I am not the wisest person, just a real girl who has learnt how to adapt her appearance for the right moment and place.
I would like to share my beauty tips and experiences in the ‘real world’ with lovely people like you. Remember: you are special!

Do not worry about how you looking, think, and feel. Remember you have special characteristics, and an angel living in your innermost self, just let it fly and be spontaneous!!!!!!

Angie R © 2008 Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by Dapina